Saturday, January 31, 2009

One on One cont......

Hi guys.... I totally screwed up. I had little Roo on my lap and she hit something and I couldn't get back to finish. So anywho. I left my meeting feeling pretty good, and his secretary and me bonded. Then for the 2 hour train ride home. I was so exhausted, when I boarded the train, I fell right into this guys lap, and he says" That's the first time I've saved a damsel in distress" so I sat by him and then he tells me I am wearing his favorite color....Red..... I say are you a Ute fan, he says No, just love red. Okay..folks I am still legally married, but I am not that behind the times on a pick up line. So we chat, names exchanged, jobs, etc. I was relieved when his stop came. Date can do hero.. married. But he was nice none the less. After transfer #1 I could hardly keep my eyes open, (a side effect of thyroid imbalance), so I find the cleanest looking person on the train and plop, I mean a hard old plop right next to guy #2. Luckily I was wearing my favorite perfume, it always turns heads. I snuggle up to him and said" I am so tired, can I just rest my head on your shoulder"? , he was more than accommodating and I got a snooze before we arrived at our last stop. Oh the things we do out of desperation. On the drive home, my phone didn't stop ringing. Everyone wanted to know what happened at Huntsman. Once I arrived home safe and sound, I fell in the bed, clothes and all, at least Roo was happy. I told Roo to wake me up on one hour. And guess what? she did. So at 6 pm, I told little Roo, mommy needs to go to work, and I got my temple gear ready and headed out for the last session. I felt I needed to give thanks to our Father for the safe drive, the strength in my conversation with Ray and for every thing I have. I left the temple at 9:30, Mom and Mary call, 2 hours later, I finally get to sleep. Oh.. I get a little call from Mission. SCARY. Lolo was in a little wreck, A snow mover stopped suddenly, because the snow shoveler in from of him stopped suddenly, and they braked, but hit black Ice, and spun 360 down the road until a guard rail pulled their bumper off and stopped them. Whew!! I was freaking, she was okay and said Mom, don't worry about stuff like that, our third companion is there protecting us. Laura is amazing, her faith, devotion, hard work is blessing us all. Sometimes I think she will be translated like the city of Zion. Oh how I love that girl, and Sister Winterton too, for remaining in control a spinning car and for being such a wonderful companion to my daughter. Sister Winterton is an angel and the stories of Lucy and Ethel will continue, I really think those two red-heads are like a movie. LOVE THEM!!. Have a great weekend, pray and have gratitude for our lives and every thing we have. Stay on the Right Side of the Light Side, and love from a missionary mom, Kathy

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