Saturday, August 30, 2008

A dip or a slip in Holy water

Good Morning one and all.
Sorry for my delay in letting everyone know of Laura's first baptism. Kellie the precious one who couldn't wait to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was baptised last Saturday. To read Laura's events for the day, is amazing. Coordinating the Bishop's, failure for the program to print, talks that almost didn't show up, decisions, decisions, decisions. Both Sister's Burns and Ure could see how Satan was trying to foul up and discourage this special day. Tension was high, it took 5 hours to fill the font, Kellie's dear Mother presented Kellie with a gold cross to mark the occasion :), and Laura ended up soaking wet in the baptismal font. What a surprise !! NOT, it was bound to happen sooner or later. It was a wonderful day for all. On Wed. Laura was transfered to Brighton. I think the tears that fell to the floor that day were many. Sister Ure was a pure blessing to come in to Laura's life, and mine too. Laura said Sister Ure every night she would remember me in her prayers. How sweet is that? I love that girl and can't wait to meet her and thank her personally for taking care of my daughter, making her laugh and feeling the Spirit. The new comp. is Sister Evans, don't know anything yet, but I am sure she is great. However, my heart will always be grateful for the time Laura was with Sister Ure. I received an odd message on my phone last Sat. I had to replay it 5 times before I could make it out. Sister Ure and Laura found a phone with no one around and wanted to " see" if it called Utah. yep, yep. Sure did and I will save that message forever. I also received pics from the days at the MTC, it looks like they had a bit of fun, light sabers, matrix poses and lots of smiling guys and gals. Once Allison teaches me how to scan in the photos, I will post them for you to see. Allison my niece is staying here for a few weeks, we have had so much fun, her heart is pure and she is a blessing in my life. We had the Missionary's over for dinner followed with a baptism. Two of my Young Women's father was baptised . We were both touched by the sweet Spirit, and thought " this is what Lolo is doing' WOW !! I've got to close for now. Laura's new address is 1308 Elmwood Ave Apt. #1 Rochester New York 14620. My gratitude to all of you for your many letters to Laura. I was able to read quite a few of them, she sent them home for safe keeping as not to be lost in the transfer. They are so precious and dear. Thank-you one and all for your sacrifices and support of my lovely Daughter Laura. She is making all of us proud. Stay on the right side of the light side, hold to the rod and pray for our Missionary's. Love you all so much. Mommy, little Roo and cuz Ali.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Booty Socks & Shakin fists

Hi everyone, well its that time of the week again, when I try to give everyone an idea of how Laura is doing. The weather in Rochester is very hot and humid, so all the Sister Missionary's wear knee highs. Laura was in need of some knee highs in a hurry so she bought some cheapies from the dollar store. Thinking they would work, they kept rolling down around her ankles. So they called them the booty socks and laughed all day. A baptism might be going down this week. Kellie 12 years old, and smart as a whip, is so excited to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Sister's are very excited for this event. Laura had the opportunity of holding her ground and reminding everyone not to give up on a investigator. A very nice lady who has a few vices, was told by a inactive member that the Mormon Church would be a great place for her to start in her search for the truth. She looked up President Hemmingway 's phone number and told him she really needed to see the missionary's. He called Sisters's Burns and Ure and within 12 hours they gave the first lesson. Laura said and I quote" She is our miracle that God gave to us. She might not get baptized this month or next, or next year., But she was put in our path for a reason and God wants us to teach her, we are part of his plan for her and all we have to do is keep working with her and make sure that she is taken care of after we leave." With that said, cute little Sister Ure promptly added " ah, look at my Baby all grown up and being a missionary." We both hate to see those two crazy Sisters split up. They are doing such wonderful work together, the transfer could be this week. I will let you know who the new companion is, but it will be hard to replace such a special companion. Another story about Sis. Ure. Laura says that she shakes her fist, making a point. Then Kolakos started laughing and before you knew it, little Sis. Ure was arm wrestling a huge Liberian on the trunk of the car, she lost, but not without much laughter. Kolako is still taking lessons and always says how much he loves his family, and he would do anything for them. That is such a great lead in for the Sisters, because of Heavenly Father's plan for families. Laura's new favorite quote is " We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are Spiritual beings having a human experience". Laura had a meeting/interview with President Hemmingway, and he told her she is 18% done with her mission. He was very proud of Laura and Sis Ure. Their beautiful smiles and bright countenance that light the way, open doors that otherwise might stay closed. They are very successful in their work for the Lord. I am so proud of Laura and her decisions to serve, she is so happy doing the work that needs to be done. The other day they walked 10 miles to a home. It's days like those that warm your heart and make Mom's so proud. Thanks for your love and support to my Lolo, we love you, Stay on the right side of the light side Love the Missionary Mommie and little Roo.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Giggles and Service

Hi Friends, Lucky, lucky me. Just yesterday I received a envelope of fabulous missionary pictures. I got to see the Palmyra Pageant pictures, 4 th of July , roasting marshmallows in a dress no less, a lifted van that takes a 7 foot ladder to get into. Also a tiny, tiny frog named Razzie, Missionary companion Sister Ure ( adorable) a few P-days and some cute Elders doing funny things. My most favorite was a picture of my darling daughter smiling, and she looked so happy. Sister's Burns and Ure seem to be very giggly of late. Could it be because a member who is about 100 years old needed them to paint her toe nails for a reunion. Of course they said yes, giggle...giggle. Or was it because Sister Ure walked in unexpectedly on someone using the bathroom. Member..... "Oh honey, I didn't realize you were home" giggle..giggle. Or maybe while doing 5 X 5's the investigator's flag got stuck on Laura's face and she was trying to talk through it, giggle...giggle. Those two girls seem to be having fun and enjoying their service to others. When I was doing Proxy sealings last week at Provo Temple, there always are rooms full of young Elders and Sister Missionary's. The Sealer told the Missionary's " Work hard, and you will have fun... don't... and you won't" simple as that. The joy from service carries you through even the toughest day. I am grateful for the bright sunny disposition of Sister Ure, she brings out the funny of Laura. We will be missing her if one or the other gets transfered in 2 weeks. Talking about time flying by. We are just hours away from the 3 month mark. Can you believe it. I seems like just yesterday we were standing at the MTC taking pictures, and trying to be brave. One thing I have noticed. If ever a family has someone leave on a mission, they are tied to Missionary's forever. There is a bond that comes naturally with those choosing to serve the Lord. I can't walk by the MTC without thinking back to May 14, when the MTC President said " Those high walls aren't to keep the Missionary's in, they are to keep the Mother's out". It was like a giant magnet pulling me towards the gate. How I stayed out, I still never know. I probably would have found Lolo and bunked down with all the girls. I find I get excited to run into Missionary's and find out where their going and where they come from. I know now I will always support a Missionary. Their hearts are so willing even when their dogs are barking. While looking at Laura's pictures, I thought back to our last vacation together. Three years ago, It was to Santa Maria, Ca. to visit my family. One week turned into 6. We just didn't want to leave. I thought how Laura and I walked for miles and miles, just talking and pretending to be pioneers,warriors or soldiers. We walked and talked about everything. dreams, school, pet peeves, futures. And if we found a penny we raced to it. When we returned to Utah ,she soon started at Nordstroms, and I fell " victim" to shoddy dentistry that almost took my life. Now Laura is spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who might not have ever heard it. I am still working on my health. We both have new challenges and I am so very proud of Laura and her unselfish decisions. The eternal perspective is grand and Laura is grasping a firm understanding on what is required of us to reserve a spot after our Earth life is over. What a gal. She is amazing and sharing her special gift with others is overwhelming at times. I love that the people of Rochester love her and appreciate her. Laura will be able to reach into the hearts of people searching for the truth and she will help them find true happiness. Laura tells me of how the Spirit guides them and is the 3 rd companion. How lucky I am to be the Mother of such a precious Daughter of our Heavenly Father. On that note, I will close for now with goose bumps on arms, tears on my cheeks and a prayer in my heart for my daughter Laura and all other missionary's in the field. Thank-you to all who help support, pray and send letters to my Missionary. We appreciate all everyone has done in her behalf. Like always..Stay on the right side of the light side. We love you. Always a Missionary Mom and little Roo.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ant-tony in a yellow pimp suit, Who - Ya

Hi Guys, Our Sister Burns says that miracles are happening. Laura wrote about 15 names who are interested and/ or they are teaching. How great is that. My favorite story this week was about 10 year old Anthony in his yellow Pimp suit at church. I was wondering if he had a a long purple feather poking out the top. He was proud as a peacock as he ran to Sister Burns for a big hug. His mommy Stacia, and sister Alexendra all want to be baptized, Mommy just had a Word of Wisdom Problem, but she is working on it. My next favorite story was when Sister 's Ure and Burns went to a potienal investigators house to give a lesson. As they waded through the thick cat hair on the carpet and made their way to the lady, she explained that her cat wasn't feeling well. The cat hadn't eaten or drinken for a couple days. Sister Burns went into action. Get me syringes ** STAT*** get me gatorade or pedylite **STAT, she said the look on Sister Ure's face was priceless. Sister Burns was able to get 3 syringes of H2O down the cat before heading to the store for gatorade. When they returned, the lady was outside jumping up and down. ' I GOT TO TELL YOU, IT WORKED' the lady's heart was so softened that Lolo saved her cat, she is setting up an lesson. Reach out in other ways to God's people, is something Laura says to herself. Weed a garden, run an errand, work in the school consession stand, help a drunk up on his feet. By loving the people she is meeting, she is sharing the pure love of Christ. She had alot of experience living with me. If I ever needed her to re-hydrate the dog, she could do it, run an errand, rub out a migraine, she had the magic fingers and golden heart. Ready to help anyone in need. She is bringing hope and love to the people of R0chester NY. Her work is just begining, and I can see miracles everywhere, her letters home are fantastic, like I said before, goose bumps, crocodile tears, beaming, and a little missing her beautiful smile, but so grateful she is sharing that gorgeous smile with the town of Rochester. I can just picture Ant-tony in his pimp yellow suit , lookin fine and wanting to learn more about the Gospel and the Plan of Salvation. I am beyond proud of my daughter and the choices she has made in her life, she has kept her oil lamp full and is prepared to progress in the Gospel. Ya know, you can't love your children too much, your love is an investment in their future. I was sometimes chastised for always wanting to be with Laura and her friends. But I looked upon it as my chance to show and teach by example and for her to know I love her with all my heart and soul. I do believe Laura doing the Lords work is a reflection of staying close to her Father in Heaven and being a side kick with her Kidea. She is awesome. Thank-you for all your help,love and support for my missionary. Stay of the right side of the light side Lo. Love Mommy and little roo.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Warners take the Cake

Dear friends, Sorry it has taken me so long to update you all on Sister Burns Mission, Lets just say it was a crazy busy week. First off....Laura told me of letters received from the whole Aaron and Haley Warner family. I will put it in her own words "I got 2 big envelopes from the Warners, ALL OF THEM, Coles said "Good Luck" , Wills bday is 21. It was funny. Aaron typed me a letter and it made me cry a little over lunch, I was so touched that he cared enough to write me, it was soooo awesome. I love that family". So I have decided that the Warner Family takes the cake and gets the award for best supporters of a Sister Missionary. Thank-you Warners, I love you too. Next on the list is fish heads and tails fried up in gooy spices. Sound yummy? luckily Sister Burns could use her sensitive tummy to avoid THAT dinner. Her Comp. Sister Ure didn't fair so well, and is still in misery. Even though Laura can't eat all the food offered, it is still appreciated. The two Sister Missionary's are really working hard. Kolako met with them 2 times last week. During one visit his friend Alvin stopped by and asked what church they were from, so she told him, he was like Oh..I've been to that church before" So Laura said Well you should come again" and he said " Okay" She was stoked. Sometimes you just need to simply ask the questions. They got 17 referrals from the Pagent, but some of them were Members wanting the free movie. Why do us Mormons always want free? Crazy !! Despite the ones wanting freebies, she said they have had success. Sister Ure has a sweet Nashville Joseph Smith CD, they can really kick up the rug rocking to it, and it's legal, so the Janice Kapp Perry CD's will be on the back burner for awhile. I was invited to my dear friends Carma de Jong and Richard Anderson's granddaughters wedding reception last night. If any of you know the Andersons, you'll know how wonderful they are. Carma Rose de Jong has been involved in all the Joseph Smith site exhibitions, making period pieces and making sure it is perfect and exact. While her sweet and modest husband Richard has written many books about Joseph Smith. Richard and his brother are considered the " Anderson Pillars" when it comes to old Joe Smith. I told Laura to show the members in Rochester how the Anderson Brothers are usually sited in every book ever written about our first Prophet. Needless to say, I was among the " genius set" last night. Carma took me around by the hand and introduced me to all of her friends...President of this, author of that, founder of ....well lets just say WOW !! I didn't want to leave. Sister Burns cousin Alison is coming to stay awhile with me, it will be nice to talk to someone other than Little Roo. Take care and thank-you for your support and letters to our sweet Laura. Her address is: 155 Whitehall Dr. Apt. D. Rochester NY 14616. Just in case you may want to write. Laura is doing awesome and words can't describe how proud I am of my girl. Love to you, Mommy and Little Roo