Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Two Sister Missionary's no right hands

Greetings friends. Who would thought. Of all the companions in the whole mission , there are 2 Sisters in Rochester who don't know their left from their right. Can you imagine the car ride?, your left, no that's my right, your right no that's my left..... start over, the arm closest to your window is your left, closest to me is your right. I eieieieie, It sounds kinda fun, I hear there is lots of laughter and snorting going on when those 2 crazy Missionary's hop in the car. Sister Burns had the opportunity to put 2 rather large hairy Liberian men in there place. Kolako and friend AKKA, were in a heated argument about the Bible and the lesson Sister Ure and Laura were trying to give. Thick accents yelling at each other about anything, it was intense. It sounds like Sister Ure had done all the talking because she is a history buff and really new her time lines. The little red haired girl sat and observed. She couldn't take it any longer when AKKA said there isn't a true church anyway. Then ...as calm and powerful as she could, she stood up and said" Yes!! Its this GOSPEL, THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS it is the only right and true church on the earth today that has the fullness of the gospel that Jesus Christ set up when he was here" Laura knew the Holy Ghost would help her because she was standing up for the church and her beliefs. These big, hairy, thick accented Liberian's looked at her, became silent and said " See there you go" Just like that...Sista Burns stood firm and did not flinch. Way to go Lo. We are proud of you. You just let that red hair get you going. It threw a wrench in their scripture plans but, all is well. A big Zone meeting is this week, lets wait and see how it goes. I always look forward to Mondays for I receive a very long email, with all the fun, excitment, crying, goose bumps, heart pounding experiences. Sister Burns says Hi to all who write her, and sorry she can't get to everyone right now, but she will. Again thanks for your friendship and support. Love Mommy and Little Roo

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Little Roo in Rochester

Well folks, it was bound to happen sooner or later. The many voices and sayings of Little Roo has finally popped out. Yep, yep Sister Burns must be filling pretty comfortable with her Comp. to let the "voice " out. Words like flouder, cuddle front, walking in the trenches are now all over Rochester, just like the never ending flying cat hair that floats over the hills and dales of her new place of residence. For those of you who don't know what the 'voices" of Roo are, well um, its sorta of Laura's alter ego, and she named it after our little Maltese Roostifer Jane Cragun, who is the Dean of Roostifer Jane University, ( of COURSE its made up ). If Laura talks too much like little Roo, she gets sleepy and wants to cuddle front(spoon). I just received a letter today, how lucky am I? Laura finds time to check in 2 X a week, she knows I am a worrier. I really don't worry that much, especially now. I haven't had this much sleep in 23 years, I finally know she is in safe hands. There is a super sweet member who invites them over for dinner on a regular basis. Laura describes her waving her hands in the air to catch the cat hair floating over the dinner table. Just more fiber , but don't inhale too much right. I am thinking she must really miss me, she saw a picture of herself today and went Yeah!! I have my mom's nose. Oh poor girl, and to think I was gonna have a nose job before she came back, now I don't dare. Their days are pretty full, I call it " Just a Walkin and a Knocking", stay on the" right side of the light side" and "Tears on my Breadspread...bruises on my knees". That last one is my verson of a Missionary Mom singing Country style. Blessed...Yes... our girl is doing great. Thanks one and all for your personal support and sacrifices for Laura. We appreciate all of you.
Love Mommy and Little Roo.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Kolako:" My Man thanopoly"

Hi ya all, " My man thanopoly" is pigeon English, for "My man that no play" A new language Sista Slash is learning. Who ever said she wasn't learning a language was a little off, or didn't know Lolo very well, she will pick up any language around her. Too bad there wasn't any British folks around there. Our Gal Lolo has got a new comp. Sister Ure, Lolo likes her alot, and says she understands her need for some naps every now and again. There are getting a few investigators, and she was able to attend the Palmyra Pagent last week. They went with a member and her 90 year old mother who is not a member. Lolo loved it and spend a day visiting with people, she said there wasn't too many anti-Mormons, but some with bull horns. How rude!! Another investigator is Mary Jo, she has some Mormon friends and saw how much the church helped them in their troubled times. She likes to visit and learn about different religions. Mary Jo has had a first lesson and wants us to come back when her 17 year old daughter Gabrielle is there.. Her house is uncluttered, clean and smelled relatively normal which was a nice change. Mary Jo struggles with her love of tea, not even coffee, and she struggles with the wedding in the temple rules. Laura used a Nordstrom tactic the other day when knocking on doors, the lady said as she was pulling up the driveway " I appreciate what you girls are doing, but I am not interested." Lolo saw a Mary Kay sticker on the back of her car and said, Oh... can I ask you a question about skin care? mine has been horrible since moving to such a humid climate. Ding,Ding, Ding... well it got them in the house and a free mascera and an invite to come back. Way to go Lo, sneak up when their not thinking and hit them with the old Nordstrom 1-2 punch.
She had so much to say this week, like 4 pages. It was so fun to sit and read them all. Later, I will add a few more notes from her. I had the opportunity to attend a session in the Salt Lake Temple. It is so beautiful, I was speechless, I was wondering around touching everything and this kind man says " everything is original" he let me snoop for a while. I was in hog heaven. If I had my side kick with me, who knows where we would have ended up. My papa Jack said he once ( in the olden days) was snooping at the Salt Lake Temple and they ended up on the roof. Oh... Papa, I know where I get it. We have a little curiosity thing happening in these genes. Well over and out from Rochester, Love the Momma Burns

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dennis is Gone

Hi friends, well the sad news is that one of their favorite investigators has been kicked out of his son's home and is now living in a shelter far, far, away so the Sisters won't be able to leave notes for Toothless Dennis. I am sure he will miss the notes and friendly smiles as much as the cute little Sisters will miss his funky personality. Sista Slash/Burns is getting her first transfer this week. She will stay where she is and a new comp. is heading her way. The mission closed down some area's due to no investigators. So it will be interesting to see what happens this week. Hey...maybe they'll have to ship all the Missionary's to Palmyra to help out with the Pagent. Me thinks, they need to send our Sister Laura to let everyone know of her love of Jesus Christ and see her radiant smile. I sent her spotter for the cat hair everywhere, tuna for protein, missionary handbooks, candy for comfort.....hey..they don't have Pudding on the Rice there, she needs something:) > I have been contacted by Sister Ross regarding the Oct. Parade. My favorite topic. Pirates. I am hoping that this will motivate me to have the pirate party I promised Cole Warner 2 years ago. Laura has been gone 2 months now, and she seems to be getting the hang of it. Her only wish right now is to be the teacher and kick these trunky Elders into working a bit harder. You all know Laura, she is a get the job done kinda of gal, and she gets frustrated when her expectations of her peers lags behind. And how is Momma Burns doing? Just dandy, I think its one of those hidden blessings that pour down by the bucketful. Everytime I miss her, I remember why she is there and that is that. I will try to get more info. for next week, this week was weak. Oh yeah. her address is: 155 Whitehall Dr. Apt D. Rochester NY 14616, and she would love to hear from you. Thanks again for all your never ending support. Love the Momma Burns and little Roo

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Trunky Elders No way !!

Hi friends, well I just heard from our missionary. If you read the last blog she wrote, you read about the "shoes over a cable", scary.... please Sister Burns, don't explore for pictures. Also Sister Burns is learning a new word "trunky", I thought we had discussed those new words, like "dork dot" "greenie", rope, curve, G-orderant. Maybe with the transfer of missionary's, she will get a greenie and train them with "exact obeidence" and that the price of a ticket to the Palmyra Pagent is a car load of investigators. Laura seems to be getting used to the skitters and blistered feet. but I do worry about toothless, drunk Dennis the investigator and the shoes on the cable. Sister Burns seems to be learning quite a lot and it shows in her letters home, not so much to me, but others have read me what she has said and I am impressed by her growth. Surprised..not at all.... she was preparing for 2 years to go to serve the Lord. We are going on 2 months and I still haven't cleaned up from the farewell. Can you believe it, my OCD's are mellowing with age. Everyone keep praying for a family of investigators to listen to her share the gospel. Judy Hunsaker, Kristen and Tawny Christensen are heading out in 2 weeks for church sites, they are hoping to see our little Sister missionary. Wouldn't that be fun to come back with real live reports from friends who saw her working in the field? I will keep my fingers,toes, legs, arms, and eyes crossed for good luck. Love to you all, Missionary Mom, Kathy