Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lucy and Ethel

Hi Friends,
Today I wanted to write about the adventures of Laura and Sister Winterton. They remind me so much of me and my oldest friend Tanya from California. We were dubbed Lucy ...(Me) and Ethel..(Tanya). After every escapade Tanya would say" LUCY.....look what you got us into" or "Lucy..... you have some splanning to do" I am beginning to see my own little Lucy performing her own escapades while in Rochester. And I love it !!! Never a dull moment when the 2 red-heads are around.
News Flash !!! Lucy and Ethel stories will have to be put on hold. I just received a Christmas box from our little missionary. Can I just cry for a moment? Can I just beam for a moment? Can I just thank all of you and your encouraging letters sent to her? Can I just bask in the work she is doing for the Gospel of Jesus Christ? As I read through her daily missionary planner. I about fell to the ground. Who is this beautiful Spirit I have been in charge of for 23 years? She is beyond amazing. I will list a typical day in their life.
Sister Laura Burns and Sister Heidi Evans
Brighton/Spencerport, Transfer with Sister Winterton Nov. 2, 2008
Dates of planner Oct. 6, to nov 17 2008
6AM Up and pray
7:00 Prepare
8 Personal study
9 companionship study
10: Ward coordination
11 Referrals
12:30 Lunch
1 Meet with Deaf group
2 Service Food Link
4 Meeting
6 Dinner (hopefully a member's house)
7:30 Institute meeting
9 Planning and coordination

Each day is different as to who they visit or service they do. But on every page at the same time are Prayer, Study, Planning and always service for someone. I soon noticed her notes about talks, lessons, ideas, scriptures, and always, always a "heart" by the name Jesus.
Oh.. how my own heart is so touched by her words, and her growth in the Gospel. Ohh and how the girl doodles. Tree hearts as branches, eyes with heart tears, pathways with brick roads with flowers and hearts along the paths. Things to do on P-day, laundry, shop, service, thank-you's to write. By George...I think she's got it !! My little bundle of love has crossed the line to full grown adulthood, full of responsibility and caring for others. For me, reading her notes is like a secret diary. I get to read what she has done each and every day since May 14, 2008 the day, when I let her go 100% into the arms of the Lord to guide and direct her in her mission. I can see how special these little planners become to them, and after their mission is complete the words written will bring back wonderful and treasured memories. This is so delightful and grand. I feel like a spoiled kid in a candy store. Each page sweeter than the last.
I go through the rest of the box. When did she have time to crochet me a blanket, enclosed are every one's letters for me to read and archive. Sunday programs where she is speaking, singing or one of their investigators was baptized. All kinds of little notes and doo dads. One thing that brought a big ole tear to my left eye,was a Marylin Monroe calender. Silly as it sounds, it has been tradition for her to give me one each Christmas. I had told her I couldn't find one this year. Well...Ta Da.. she said" no Christmas would be complete without your Marilyn calender" Laura doesn't forget a thing, her mind is like a little computer chip, read, logged in, data saved. Her compassion for people struggling, her pure love for "cat" people ( what.. what.), and all people, her generous and kindness to all. Well lets just say, I am one proud mama. And it's my blog, so I can cry if I want to. Thank-you to all of you who take the time to write Laura, I know she looks forward to the letters from friends and family. Bryn and Linda... okay you two... you not only take the cake, but the icing too. I love you all for your support for my" baby goat". A term she named us when she was young. At 2 years old Lolo put her little kid arms around me, holding me so tender as if I were the child, "Ahh.. she says as she strokes my hot red cheeks, my little baby goat, lets spoon". She is so funny and I know that the blessed people of Rochester New York are just loving her up !! One last thing.. Mother's encourage your daughters to consider a mission, if I can let go of my only child to serve , anyone can.Period The blessings are plentiful and I am joyful in her decision to serve. "Stay on the Right Side of the Light Side" And as Hinks would say," IT IS WUNDERFULL", love from a missionary mommy, Kathy
PS. Hopefully the adventures of Lucy and Ethel will be continued.

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