Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hi ya all, and yep, yep I figured it out. It's true you can teach a old dog new tricks. Well lets see, Laura, LOlO, arrived in New York last Monday June 2. I waited a whole week before I heard from her because we now know that Monday's are her P-days. She says in the town they work in, everyone smokes and has cats. Her 2 biggest allergies. Poor Lolo. Also the mesquitoes are as big as horses and buzz around by the hundreds. Its humid and very hot. Whoa ! it sounds like she is having a great time. Poor Lolo. There apt. is very dirty but no time to clean. Poor Lol. Everytime I hear from her she reminds me how much she hates her suitcase. Poor Lolo. She misses her new brothers Elder Pack and Elder Farrell, they made her laugh, and she now needs a big belly laugh and isn't getting it, Poor Lolo. But on the positive side, she is learning new things everyday, Yeah Lolo. She is conquering her fears, yeah Lolo. She is serving the Lord, Yeah Lolo. Her light is shining bright and everyone loves her smile and darn cute face, Yeah Lolo. On her first day she visited the Sacred Grove and got to spend a few minutes there alone to meditate, Yeah Lolo. The first 3 months very hard, but it gets better, yeah Lolo. She has the love and support of all her friends and family, yeah Lolo. She is where she needs to be at this time in her life, yeah Lolo. And " Hinks" and me are very, very proud of our girl. One of her biggest supporters is Aaron Warner, he is just so darn cute. I stopped by yesterday evening and his sons Cole and Will were practicing missionary skills. They had me go in the house and pretend to be a person. One was a nice person and they got to explain the Book of Mormon and the gospel, the other person was a mean person who slammed the door. They handled it so well. Way to go guys, I was very impressed. Aaron always tells me how hard a mission is and there is nothing easy about it. But the skills they learn help them through out their lives. So a Big thanks to Aaron and the Boys. Laura misses her naps with roostie , so in 17 months they have alot of spoonin to make up. That's about it for now folks. Feel free to write her anytime. Missionarys love letters. Over and out.


dev said...

hi lolo i read alot about the town of greece.it is an old town and not very good weather.how is tracking going? there is lot of history there. wow! sorry u have a dirty apt. that sucks. but probably not for long. cats we dont like cats! we like poochies and roosties! well i hope everything is well take care luv dad!

Haley Warner said...

Yay Lolo! You are one tough cookie.. you'll survive a dirty apt, cats and mosquitos! We think of you lots and will start sending your letters the boys have "colored." :) Haley