Sunday, June 29, 2008

The aroma of New York

Hi fellow friends,
Its me... Momma. Just a quickie. I GOT A BOX FROM A MISSIONARY!!! What was in my surprise box? Presents for little kids, she couldn't resist buying on P-Day, her letters you' all have sent her, and funnest of all.....a old Rochester T-shirt in a bag...with the instructions to open the bag and inhale deeply. There we go...' that's the smell of my new air. Cats and cigs.' While we here in Utah and Calif. are breathing in ocean and clean mountain air, poor lil' missionary Laura's new air is not so lovely. She is hanging tough, and not complaining by any means. Just sharing her experiences. Thank-you again for all your letter's and support. She sends her love to all, and a simple request. To please ...everyone pray for missionary experiences. The road to Palmyra Pagent is paved with investigators, and they need them. Thanks, OXOXOX Love, momma Kathy

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