Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Last Letter to my Daughter

........ How do I start a entry like this. I am full of sweet tender emotion today. I wrote the last letter to my daughter Laura that she will receive from me while serving on her mission. My little parents are here, and my mommy just rubbed my head and Roostifer Jane is snoozing with my Papa. Can it get any better than this? Just thinking about Lolo created a earthquake, which turned into a tsunami. Tears everywhere. I have written Laura approx. 100 letters, sent 65 boxes, and prayed for her daily. You guys... she did it !! she fulfilled a full -time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She is an disciple of the Lord. I have pictures all over my office, Her acceptance and 'called to serve' letter, the writing of 'Disciple of God' by Henry B. Erying, a picture of a young Joseph Smith before his leg operation , his father holding him so tenderly, and the faith in his eyes says a thousand words, you can feel the love and respect for his father. I have a picture of the three apostles giving Joseph Smith the Priesthood, in the sacred grove. I have a letter from Lisa Clark' lessons about how to gain and strengthen your testimony, I have an article sent to me by Holiday Bryn by President Gordon G. Hinckly on " it will all work out" I have some thoughts about the pain of mortality and that it is expected of us to have pain , endure the pain to the end and suffer in this life to be exalted on high. I have a little quote saying 'missionary work is the blood life of the Church'. there is no more important work. It blesses the lives of all those who participate in it. It will continue blessing future generations" My heart of so full of love, admiration and respect for Lolo, her companions, her mission President, the investigators and all of you who helped support and love my girl. Whilst I was composing Lolo her last letter, I thought to my self.... wait a tick...... this is the last letter she will read, so the pressure was on, Make it good Kidia, she deserves the best you can do. I glanced at her shoes she sent back already, worn, torn, scuffed but faith in every footstep. I can visualize my Lolo walking for hours, then going door to door to find the people who are willing to open their lives up and listen to the words they have to say. I prayed for her to be led to those pure in heart, searching for the truth. Her companions have all written me about how loved she is in the mission field. I have taped voice mails of people who met lolo on a tour or lesson who absolutely fell in love with her sweet spirit and smile, then took the time to let me know how wonderful she was ..... Yayyy.... that's my girl. I told Lolo that now that she has completed her mission call, more will be expected of her in her life. Her missionary work is really just now kicking in. Lolo will always be a missionary and ready to talk of Christ at any opportunity given. I am so proud of my little Lolo and in 6 1/2 days I will be hugging her with all my might, I might not just let her go. My Laura will be returning with Honor, and I can hardly wait to see her and just to touch her arm. The feeling is unexplainable. I am so filled with joy, I love my daughter and she loves me. She told me God has a plan for this mother and daughter dynamic duo... I can't wait to see what it is. I could go on and on about how much I love Laura and how she completed her mission with strong faith, love and very honorably. I might get a chance to write a story about Papa Jack and the army and his mission. Talk about shennigians. But as for now... I will close with love for all of you, who have so faithfully supported Laura, your lives will be forever blessed by your sacrifices made in her behalf. I love ya all and hope to see you all soon. Thank-you for all you have done for us.
"Stay on the Bright Side of the Light Side" Love to you ...a Missionary mom for one more week.....Kathy

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