Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ribs, Bibs and "Stalking Santa"

Hi friends, well another beautiful Fall day in Provo Utah. I could live the Fall season year around. Our girl was able to go back to the Church sites with deaf investigators. She said it was so great and they got to attend a Temple session in ASL. Laura was is the American Sign Language Club while in high school, maybe some of it is coming back. They have had many spiritual experiences with the deaf investigators, one can see the Hand of Heavenly Father every where. There is another baptism on the horizon, lets pray for Kenneth. Laura describes Kenneth as a little oompa loompa Matt Damon look alike with the cutest laugh and smile. His Spirit is strong and he is ready. While at the E.B. Grandin Building everyone wanted pizza. There is a Pizzaria across the street. It was filled to the brim with Morman's, telling the Missionary's ' order whatever you want missionaries don't pay when menber's are around" , then a Bishop from Syracuse joined in and offered drinks and whatever else was wanted. The Missionary's were very full and very grateful for their generosity. The investigators were able to be a part of all of it and it was great. Then as the Relief Society General Broadcast was going on Laura last Saturday , Laura spotted Lisa Clark's mom singing and yelled out in the Chapel " That's my friend." We just get excited when we see our friends on National T.V. Then the"Stalking Santa Movie" became a hot topic. For those of you who don't know what "Stalking Santa" is, well... it is the Clark's movie they made about this zanny guy out to prove Santa is real. We love the movie and all family members got it for Christmas last year. Deseret Book sold it, I would suggest if you see it, grab it and have a wonderful family evening. So... once again... we are buying the heart-warming " Stalking Santa" for all the Missionary's and their families. The Clark's son Miles was my Sunbeam when they moved into our ward 5 years ago, he also is a STAR in the movie. We love the Clark's and the movie. ( a little plug). Laura is working hard, praying harder and getting the word out about Jesus Christ and his Gospel here on Earth. I am so grateful for her growth and her decision to serve. I play the "Called to Serve" CD 24/7 at home, it invites the Spirit... as music does, and reminds me hourly what my daughter is doing. How proud I am of her choices and keeping her oil lamp full and staying worthy to be a represenative of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am humbled by her and all who dedicate their time and energy to be a Missionary. My sister Mary told Laura a little secret when she got her mission call. Auntie St. Mary said to Laura" You know what Laura? missions are really hard work, but what they don't tell you is that, its fun too". By reading Laura's letters and seeing the pictures she sends home, I can see the sparkle in her eyes and she is having fun Aunt Mary, she is having fun. When you are living right you find true happiness. Thanks for your letters of support and those who sacrifice in Laura's behalf. Your encouragement to Laura and to me is much appreciated. Okay Bryn here we go...." Stay on the Right Side of the Light Side" Love to you all.
Missionary Mom Kathy

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