Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas wish list???

Merry Christmas almost .... to everyone. Is the Spirit of Christmas in the air? Is everyone excited for Santa and what he'll bring? Are we all giving to others something they can't live without? As I wrap Laura's Christmas gifts tonight, a big ole tear rolled down my hot little cheek. Hmmmm.... maybe it will be a lot harder than I thought. Then I said in a small whisper, barely loud enough for Roo to hear.....".i want you back.....i changed my mind.....i can't do Christmas alone....i need you."
As I am folding the corners of the paper and fluffing the bow, a moment of self pity swept by me like a firefly in the hot summer days, then as quickly as the tear came, it disappeared. My background music since Laura went on her mission has been Called to Serve. I have played it 24/7. Slowly the deep voices of the Motab start coming in. Called to Serve him heavenly King of glory, chosen heir to witness for his name, far and wide they tell the Father's story, far and wide their love proclaims. Onward ever, onward as we glory in his name. Forward pressing forward is the silent song we sing. God our strength will be press onward ever called to serve our King. Well, by now I'm dancing in the kitchen, singly loudly as all get out. In times like these, when we feel we can't go on, we must cast our burdens at his feet and trust in him. Our Loving Father in Heaven knows us and our children better than we do....what?? impossible, I know Lolo better than anyone. Wait a tic.... No I don't, the Master does, and the Master knows excatly what we need ..want,..should and shouldn't have. Have any of you been at the Temple and just sat and listened to the music? Music invites the Spirit, how blessed we are to be able to invite the Spirit in . And on the flip easy it is for the Spirit to leave us alone to carry our burdens. Laura has told me so many spiritual experiences she has had in the mission field. It is fantastic, amazing, delightful and brings me great joy. Who am I do secretly wish her back into the arms of a mother hen, who am I to want her to leave her investigators and come rub my neck. Well...I am a Missionary Mom who misses her daughter to an extent so unimaginable I can hardly stand it. No...No.... I do not want Laura to sneak home, she has a calling, the dye has been cast. As Laura loves the writing of Henry B. Eyring. He states" I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up,or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, and paid up for the cause of Christ. I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till I know, and work till He stops me, and when He returns for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me. MY BANNER WILL BE CLEAR". How perfectly President Erying puts these strong and inspiring words. I will look forward to next Christmas, and we will wrap presents together, tell ole family jokes, missionary war stories, and when a big ole tear rolls down our cheeks, it will be because of laughter and treasured memories and returning with honor. So next year will be delightful, maybe a party everynight, as long as it ends before 11:00, you know we are sleepy heads.
There will be 2 baptisms this Dec. 13th that Laura had a part of. How happy she must feel, her confidence is beaming, her self worth high. Laura is doing the loving work for the Lord, what better gift could I have . There is no way Santa could ever top this. This is amazing, I stand all amazed at the Love in the mission field and home. It seems like all the missionarys love everyone, Laura sends home pics that say..oh this is Nicole, an investigator", Hellllo, an investigator, my girl is teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Holy cow and holy Bessie. I am so happy and proud right now. Santa sorry, we love you, but the Master is the only one who can bring us true and everlasting happiness. One quick temple experience and then I am done. This week when I was doing proxy work for the dead , I was given a very unusual name , from Germany in 1740. I never did get hooked on phonics, so I worked especially hard in the pronouncation, it was a name I shall never forget. That was on Wed. on Friday, I had the 0pportunity to be present when she was sealed to her family and children. Wowwie. That doesn't happen very often. The Sister next to me said, there will be some very happy people to meet you in the hear after. I couldn't believe it. What a joy and blessing it was for me to do her work. Nope..... Santa can't do that either. So I guess what I am trying to say is,
The greatest gift we receive are our blessings from Heavenly Father, gifts for eternity. Christmas is a very special time of the year when we express to our loved ones how much we love them, we share stories and listen to stories, we become closer as a family and strive to live our lives in a manner that we will be together again. So what's 10 m0re months. We can do it, and do it we will. No more crocidile tears on hot cheeks, no more silent whisperings of wishes we really don't want to happen. We follow the example of Christ our Savior and love everyone. We reach out to those in need, to the lonely and down trodden. Our mission on earth is to bring happiness into the lives around us and develop a relationship with Heavenly Father, and do his will. I love Christmas, the lights, the colors, the packages under a tree, and thoughts of a babe in a lowly manger. I would like to wish you all Merry Christmas early, I am having surgery next week, and don't know when I will be back at the computer, so if you don't get a card, don't worry, I didn't forget you, I will just be a little slower this year. I love you all so much. Each and everyone of you have brought something wonderful in to my life and I thank-you for that. I thank-you for sharing your time, money, and thoughts with my missionary. May you all have a wonderful , warm Christmas...but don't forget the reason for the season. He hasn't forgotten you. "Stay on the bright side of the light side" and may your wishes will come true. Love to you all my buddies and Laura's friends.
from a Missionary Mom.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Thanks for your inspiring words this morning. I needed to hear all that you said, and can I say, you spoke truths so eloquently and it really made my heart sing. I can remember the Christmas' when my sons were gone serving missions... I can remember it so vividly and I agree this will be one Christmas you will never forget, a special love for mankind that sometimes gets lost in our hurried days before Christmas. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I'm so blessed to have you as my friend.